VEGA High Gain narrow beam antenna improves highway coverage in South Africa

VEGA High Gain narrow beam antenna improves highway coverage in South Africa

VEGA very high gain very narrow beam x-pole antennas have been used as an easy to implement, low cost way to provide better voice and data service to subscribers on long stretches of highways in difficult terrain situations since 2004.

This South African Operator had to improve U900 QOS on a major highway in the wild north eastern part of the country. The hilly terrain on this 20-kilometer-long stretch of National Highway was causing poor service and dropped calls over many sections. The Operator was faced with the need of adding more towers, a move that could make the service along the road commercially unattractive. The cost effective solution was achieved just by switching from a legacy panel antenna to a VEGA CC12WB.

Please note the improvement in both signal strength RSCP and better Ec/No achieved along 20km of the highway.

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